StartUp Founders: My Fault
Accountability drives action. Freedom from judgment enables boldness. Empathy ensures we’re building something that matters.
StartUp Founders: T-21 Days. Ready?
Most founders write off the stretch between Thanksgiving & New Year as dead. It’s not. It’s Q5. Pocket of weeks that everyone gets, but few actually leverage.
StartUp Founders: Don’t Build Product.
Visionaries do the work to earn the outcomes. Wannabes just declare them. Learn how startup founders shift from dreamers to doers.
StartUp Founders: 2025 Strategy
For all founders heading into 2025 thinking your strategy will unfold naturally as a sequence of inevitable events. It won’t. Here’s why.
StartUp Founders: Becoming Core
For every founder building products that people like and might pay for: Are you essential? Mission critical? Are you CORE? Here’s why you should be.
StartUp Founders: One Rule
There is only one golden rule to startup success, a core principle: build a winning team; create value customers will pay for; execute fast and lean.
StartUp Founders: Trump
Competition isn’t just about rivalry, it’s about all the forces shaping how you enter & compete in your market. This isn’t theory. It’s a playbook.