As an angel investor, I inject $15,000 – $25,000 into 20 startups annually. My focus is on being the early believer, often the first affirmative post-Family Round, under a fair (cap/discount) and unedited MFN SAFE agreement.


My ethos is straightforward:

    • Quick Decisions: You’ll hear from me within 24 hours
    • Only What’s Needed: I request only the data I need, not an iota more
    • Open to All: Your education, location, industry jargon, or lack thereof doesn’t scare me
    • Revenue Generating: I focus on startups already in revenue. While under $10K MRR is low, it’s not a deal-breaker
    • Preference for B2B/B2D SaaS: My investment leans more towards B2B/B2D SaaS but I consistently wander
    • Willing to be the First Yes: I’m comfortable being your first yes (maybe ever!), just not your only yes, and I am willing to help get you there


Your product and strategies might evolve, but it’s your foundational resilience and adaptability that I invest in. I’m committed to supporting your growth, decisions, and the path and journey you decide on. I am investing in you.


In return, I offer:

  • A solid network, ready for you to tap into
  • Deep entrepreneurial experience on both sides of the spectrum
  • A commitment to be there for you in all capacities – as a friend, coach, mentor, advisor, or even a silent supporter