
Harnessing Chaos: The Catalyst for Innovation and Your Unique 8%

“In the startup world, you’re either a genius or an idiot. You’re never just an ordinary guy trying to get through the day.” – Marc Andreessen Hey Reader, Welcome to this week’s counterintuitive journey: embracing chaos. This isn’t about typical startup chaos or the overwhelming mayhem of an endless task list. This is about strategically harnessing chaos to bring focus, clarity, and a profound understanding of your mission, vision, and objectives. This week’s topic isn’t about chaotic…

June 25, 2023
the subtle art of shutting the f up SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

The Subtle Art Of Shutting The F*** Up

Learn how to leverage silence in conversations, negotiations, and beyond. Drive collaboration and gain insights with this underused tool!

June 18, 2023

The Subtle Art Of Shutting The F*** Up

“Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero Hey Reader, This week, we delve into the underrated skill of quietude, understanding its crucial role in effective leadership, negotiation, and the day-to-day of building a high-performing startup. Is there more wisdom in silence than we credit it for? Could our hushed moments be catalysts for breakthrough ideas? And when we listen – are we genuinely hearing, or merely waiting for our turn to speak? TEDx: The Power Of…

June 18, 2023
the art of coopetition maneuvering through the startup battlefield SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

The Art of Coopetition: Maneuvering Through the Startup Battlefield

The art of “coopetition” – how competitors can fuel your growth. Embrace a new perspective and unlock hidden opportunities!

June 11, 2023

The Art of Coopetition: Maneuvering Through the Startup Battlefield

“It’s no exaggeration to say that business is war. Either you already have a turf, and you have to defend it against all comers, or else you have to invade somebody else’s turf and take it. We are playing defense and offense at the same time. Either way, conflict is inevitable. Only the government can print money; the rest of us have to take it from somebody else. I love a win‐win deal as much as anyone else, but it’s much more common that business is close to a zero‐sum game.” – Amp It Up By…

June 11, 2023
unleashing noise your untapped competitive advantage SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

Unleashing Noise: Your Untapped Competitive Advantage

Don’t let “noise” derail your startup. Uncover the hidden factor influencing decisions and learn to overcome its disruptive effects!

June 4, 2023

Unleashing Noise: Your Untapped Competitive Advantage

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw Hey Reader, Wrapping up our trilogy on unseen decision-making forces in startups we’ve delved into Mimetic Desire as well as the effects of minor adjustments (Behavioral Economics). Now, we turn to ‘noise’ – judgment variability that should ideally be identical. We often chase down biases like…

June 4, 2023
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