founder evolution or extinction theres no middle ground SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

Founder Evolution or Extinction: There’s No Middle Ground

Build a thriving business, not just survive. Embrace the mindset of growth, delegation, and strategic thinking.

September 3, 2023

Founder Evolution or Extinction: There’s No Middle Ground πŸš€

“The difference between a vision and a hallucination is execution.”- Thomas Edison Hey Reader, Startup founders either evolve faster than their startup or become its anchor. Maturity isn’t optional; it’s your startup’s life insurance. [Tweet] Stakeholders expect milestones: customers seek value; employees need growth; investors demand returns; markets want innovation. Growth KPIs are universal. Your job is to deliver. Book: Principles by Ray Dalio – the playbook for evolving endlessly and…

September 3, 2023
orphan startup founders no place to call home SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

Nomad StartUp Founders: No Place To Call Home

Protect your mental health & build a sustainable startup. Practical steps to find support, manage stress, & avoid founder burnout.

August 27, 2023

Orphan StartUp Founders: No Place To Call Home πŸš€

“I work extremely hard doing what I love, mainly to ensure that I don’t have to work extremely hard doing what I hate.” – Hugh MacLeod Hey Reader, Being a StartUp Founder can feel like being a nomad. You’re driven by a vision, fueled by passion, but often, you find yourself alone, with no place to call home. [Tweet] The brutal world of nomad or sometimes referred to as orphan founders is a place where dreams are born, innovation thrives, but a path that is mostly lonely, and unforgiving. It’s…

August 27, 2023
startup arrogance brand beats product every single day SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

StartUp Arrogance: Brand Beats Product. Every Single Day.

In a sea of similar products, your brand is the lighthouse. Learn how to build a brand that resonates, drives loyalty, and fuels success!

August 20, 2023

StartUp Arrogance: Brand Beats Product. Every Single Day. πŸš€

“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touch points.” – Jonah Sachs Hey Reader, Welcome to the era where brand doesn’t just beat product; it annihilates it. Founders who don’t recognize that brand needs to be one step ahead of product will learn the hard way. [Tweet This] Brand isn’t just a logo or website. It’s the entire experience, it’s the person’s gut feeling about your product. It’s the promise that you make to a prospect based on how you treat them and how you make them…

August 20, 2023
startup founders the misunderstood lunatics SUSU Post ThumbnailSocial Preview 1

StartUp Founders: The Misunderstood Lunatics?

Visionaries aren’t meant for the mainstream. Embrace criticism and doubt, prove them wrong, and build something extraordinary!

August 13, 2023
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