Startup Marketing: It’s Not Just About Sales

June 19, 2023 2 mins read

In the initial stages of any startup venture, marketing plays a dual yet distinct role. Understanding these roles is crucial as you prepare to scale into your angel or seed funding round.

Firstly, I’m an ardent believer in the power of brand marketing. This is not about persuading early adopters; those first followers typically align with your product or service due to its novelty or unique selling point. Rather, it’s about establishing your presence and inserting your startup into the right conversations, at the right places, and during the right awareness moments. The intent here is not an immediate monetary windfall, but a long-term positioning strategy. You are aiming for top-of-mind recall because that’s how a significant majority, 70-80%, of consumers make their product choices, as they often lean towards familiar names and brands.

Take for instance, the journey of Airbnb. The co-founders, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, knew that their concept was unique, but to stand out in a crowded marketplace, they prioritized brand marketing. They took every opportunity to tell their story and position Airbnb not just as a service, but as a community-driven experience. This strategy ultimately helped them establish Airbnb as a trusted and recognized global brand.

The second role of marketing, particularly in the context of raising funds, is tied to distribution channels. Once you’ve identified a distribution channel that can deliver predictable results, marketing can drive sales and spur growth. It’s this growth that investors look for when considering funding opportunities. Thus, your marketing initiatives indirectly facilitate fundraising by boosting sales and demonstrating your startup’s potential.

So, as you consider marketing for your startup, reflect on these two aspects. First, define your brand and its value proposition and find ways to insert it into relevant conversations. Second, identify how marketing can leverage your distribution channels to drive growth. To quote Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist of Canva and formerly of Apple, “Sales fixes everything”. In this context, the right marketing strategy can fuel your sales, which in turn paves the way for your next round of fundraising.

Here’s to the success of your startup venture!

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