Building A Scalable, Repeatable & Predictable Cold Email Engine

Building A Scalable, Repeatable & Predictable Cold Email Engine.

Five Rules Of Cold Email Outreach....

1. Patience & Time: If you are not willing to stop, slow down, plan and execute a high performing campaign, and are looking at this as a "task" to get done, you have lost before you even started.

2. Research & Personalization: You have to start slow and build out a series of emails to identify what works, what converts and how best to approach your targets. Whether by size, industry, region or job role, the list gathering process must have intention.

3. The Forever Funnel: Cold outreach is a long game, your targets are not sitting waiting for your email, so it is about delivering value consistently over time, so when they do need you, you are top of mind.

4. Earning The Right: Everything about cold email is about earning the right to a reply, earning the right to a seat at the table, so your communication is less about closing the deal and more about earning trust.

5. The First Meeting: What do you do when a lead visits your website, or replies, is more important than the outreach. Making sure you are ready to convert.

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What you will learn...

In this course which includes a full PDF playbook and 70 minute companion video, you will learn how to think about cold email outreach and build out a strategy that will drive both short and long term revenue.

You will learn how to rethink your engagement with prospects from one of sales to one of value as you go through the step by step process.

Most importantly, you will learn whether you are a high performing founder, willing to put in the work it takes and have the patience to actually build a conversion driving campaign.

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Thousands Of StartUp Founders
Rely On StartUp To ScaleUp

“I moved my thinking away from just speed and automation into a thoughtful campaign that put my prospect first."

Leslie Alexander

Leslie Alexander

“Just incredible content and perspective to send less emails and get a higher response rate with immediate learning.”

Jacob Jones

Jacob Jones

“The message was very clear. If I want to win, I have put in the work, be thoughtful, intentional and intelligent. It works.”

Jenny Wilson

Jenny Wilson